To keep all our members informed, we send a monthly newsletter, NEPPS Philatelic Inquirer, to their homes each month.
We have a few sections or articles in each issue, as follows:
- Introduction - this is usually a small summary of the club's last activities or just a small article
on an iteresting item, article, or other philatelic item from last month.
- eBay Watch - we highlight an item that sold within the last 30 days, usually the most expensive
US stamp.
- Calender of events - a calender of our clubs meetings with a listing of presentations, auctions,
or activity is being held for that meeting. We also list any trips, events, or presentations we have scheduled for the
club here with the person to contact if interested in going or helping.
- New Members - an announcement of any new members we have.
- Meeting Minutes - Written by the secretary, the minutes of the meetings of the past month.
- Club News & Trips - This is mainly a section going over the past month's events in detail
and any news we may have.
- Everything's Stamps Club Notes - An article including the minutes and any news for the youth stamp
club at the Abington Community Library.
- Guest Article - Each month we have a philatelic article that is either written by a club
member or from another philatelic source.
- Want Ads - Ads placed by our members for philatelic items they are looking for.
- Activity - A monthly activity for the youth club to complete, some are even interesting enough
for our adult members.
Awards by APS's CAC Newsletter competition: 2006 - Silver (Novice class) 2007
- Gold (Multi-page class) 2008 - Gold (Multi-page class)
If you want to request a copy of our newsletter, please fill out the form below. A current issue will then be sent
to you.